Teeshirts, books and treats
Valerie Pettis, designer of the UN’s IWY logo, recreated the iconic design for reissue of the teeshirt worn at Houston, here modeled by Nikki R. Van Hightower,
author of That Woman: The Making of a Texas Feminist .
Thank you to you both! Teeshirts coming soon via an exciting collaboration with a socially-conscious sportswear company for women! Their President and CEO
just wrote to DMH: “thank you for all you've done, and carrying the torch!!”
Please email us with your sizes and number of shirts you would like. We are collecting pre-orders now.
The Spirit of Houston is the complete contemporary document about the only federally-funded national US conference about, by and for women. “I still did not know that women as a group could be competent, courageous and loyal to each other; that we could conduct large, complex events and honor each other’s diversity; that we could literally make a history that was our own. But we can. Houston taught me that. And I hope this lesson will not be lost, but carried into the future.” - from the introduction by Gloria Steinem.
Just in time for the 45th anniversary of the First National Women’s Conference, here is The Spirit of Houston The First National Women’s Conference: the Official Report to the President, the Congress and the People of the United States, first published in 1978. Out of print practically since then, this is the complete historic document brought out in a facsimile edition by its official photographer, with a new cover, more of her photographs, and a brilliant essay by Gloria Steinem that also has not been republished since 1978.
With hundreds of photographs, The Spirit of Houston is a unique resource for historians, students and anyone interested in women’s history. Including the text of each of the 24 planks that were voted on as a Plan of Action for the great issues of the day, this is a primary source that reads as easily as a conversation with the great feminist leaders (and some of their opposition) of a turning point in U.S. history. All the challenges that confronted society at the time and a great many of which have been resolved today…or have they?
Join the culminating event of the Women’s Movement of the 1970’s that started 15 years earlier with the publication of The Feminine Mystique. The Spirit of Houston includes photographs and writings by and about its author, Betty Friedan, and its Presiding Officer, the legendary and fiery leader, Congresswoman Bella Abzug. Read the thoughts of, and see, other iconic women such as Billie Jean King, Coretta Scott King, Margaret Mead, Patsy Mink, Jean O’Leary, Yvonne Braithwaite-Burke, Angela Cabrera, Audrey Row-Colon, Cecilia Preciado-Burciaga, Florynce Kennedy, Midge Costanza, Kathryn Clarenbach, Liz Carpenter, Jean Stapleton, Addie Wyatt, Mary Crisp, Eleanor Smeal, Jill Ruckelshaus, three First Ladies Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter and Ladybird Johnson, and Barbara Jordan, who gave the keynote address.
The Spirit of Houston: The First National Women’s Conference: An Official Report to the President, the Congress and the People of the United States
The program Mrs. America trivialized, dramatized, or overlooked the issues and personalities who formulated the plan of action whose planks are given here in their original words, and the minority opinions that also were presented: The Declaration of American Women, penned by Maya Angelou, Arts and Humanities, Battered Women, Business, Child Abuse, Child Care, Credit, Disabled Women, Education, Elective and Appointed Office, Employment, the Equal Rights Amendment/ERA, Health, Homemakers, Insurance, International Affairs, Media, Minority Women, Offenders, Older Women, Rape, Reproductive Freedom, Rural Women, Sexual Preference, Statistics, Women, Welfare and Poverty, and an ongoing Committee of the Conference. The Spirit of Houston is a great look back and inspiration going forward.
State-by-state information with delegate names and accounts of the preliminary women’s meetings in all 50 states and US territories are among the many additional features that tie this book to the grassroots. The public law that brought the conference into being, its rules of order, portraits and bios of the commissioners, a tour of the convention center displays by NGOs and nonprofits, a chapter on international perspectives, a portrait of Baby ERA, even the music and lyrics of “We Shall Go Forth” - the anthem of the conference - and Caroline Bird, the conference historian’s “Houston Day by Day,” drill down and give the flavor and resonance of this unique and memorable event.
This is a VINTAGE FACSIMILE EDITION expanded with the addition of an introductory essay by Gloria Steinem, never-republished since 1978! Thank you to Gloria and all those who contributed their thoughts and images to this book. More of the official photographs have also been added.
Hi Diana,
What a contribution you have made to the women’s movement by providing us with this reprint of The Spirit of Houston. This record of the planning and actions of the 1977 International Women’s Conference in Houston is a vital historical record of the modern women’s rights movement in the United States and internationally. As a participant in the Texas state conference and a delegate to the national Houston Conference, your reprint stirred up passionate memories of an unforgettable experience.
The thoughtful Essay by Gloria Steinem is a superb addition. Steinem, who is well known as a famous leader of the women’s rights movement in the U.S., provides an insightful context for the events in this 1978 report of the IWY Conference which was submitted to the President, Congress and the People of the United States.
Your beautiful photo of the runners on the cover to the reprinted report and your additional photos were valuable additions, reflecting the passion, commitment and diversity of the conference participants. For those who know little about the conference and its history, this reprint will be an eye-opener.
I know you have received comments on the quality of the copying, and I have nothing further to add except that this is well worth the effort to make any necessary improvements.
I realize that this is probably well beyond the scope of your current goals, but I couldn’t help thinking how useful it would be if paragraphs were added at the conclusions of each segment in the “National Plan of Action” bringing the reader up-to-date on changes that have occurred in the nearly 45 years since the conference.
Many thanks for your hard work on this worthwhile endeavor.
Nikki R. Van Hightower [ author of That Woman: The Making of a Texas Feminist ] [2/2/22]
Postcard collections - a small fundraiser
Women's Activism Postcard Collection
Women’s Pentagon Action; Betty Friedan; Jane Fonda; Women Office Workers: March for the ERA ( Woman’s Place is in the White House”). These are vintage postcards, approximately 5 and 1/2” by 4 and 1/4” may not be same paper as shown, blank on reverse with caption and credit at bottom. Perfect for pinning to your office wall, hanging over baby’s crib, on the fridge, or sending to a friend. LImited quantities on some cards may require us to send you a different one or two. They are also a small fundraiser for this website. Thanks for your interest. $10 for 5 postcards, postage paid.
First National Women's Conference Postcard Collection
Bella Abzug, last mile of torch relay, Coretta Scott King, Alice Bibeau and Colleen Wong, Clara McLaughlin and Rinetta, Three First Ladies and Bella, Gloria Steinem and Baby ERA, Mary Crisp, ERA Yes! (We Didn’t Burn ‘Em, NASA booth, Betty Hamburger, Puerto Rican delegate, Barbara Jordan, Vinie Burrows. (Bonus: Sisterhood Salon from 40th Anniversary, printed on both sides.) $30 for 14 postcards, postage paid.
More postcard collections-$50 for all four.
Companionship collection
Top card is full greeting card, blank inside, DMH NYC address on back, image of a Paris taxi driver and co-pilot. Bottom, left to right: Avant-garde Art Festival, World Trade Center, 1977; Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden at the NYC opening of On Golden Pond; belly-dancer at Renaissance Fair, Orinda, CA 1971. $10 postage paid includes large envelope with DMH NYC address on back for greeting card.
Men postcards
James Brown on stage at Riker’s Island; Bill Clinton at Democratic National Convention, Miami Beach, 1972 ( signed much later in the original);Man in Dashiki, Washington D.C.,1981; Pete Seeger at South Street Seaport; VIetnam Veterans Against the War Memorial Day demonstration, 1971. DMH business card with all collections features VInie Burrows. $10 postage paid.