Links below….
We, on these pages, are not all professionals of public speaking. But we did experience Houston or one of the Women’s Meetings that preceded it, in all fifty states and US territories… Maybe we were not all Commissioners, or delegates - we may have been guests, or staff, observers or reporters there Please contribute to the Resurvey Diana Mara Henry started in 2012, and let us know if you, including second generation to participants,. want to publish it or anything else on the blog page of this website!
We are willing to speak at local libraries, schools, book groups, associations of all kinds that are working for a better future that includes and appreciates discussion and curiosity and exploring the efforts of past generations to move history/herstory forward.
Please let us know where and when you would like one of the people on our website to participate, if a virtual setting is possible, and who would be hosting, as well as your complete contact information as in a signature block under your name, so we know you are in earnest/earnestine.
Stay tuned for our members’ area, where you can attend or present programs of discussion and reflection on how to move our history forward. Thank you!
Links & resources
Links for Diana Mara Henry discussing her work, including the First National Women’s Conference:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TrNr8CekIc “Women’s Movement Photographer,” presentation by Diana Mara Henry.
You can download Women on the Move and page through A Life In Photography as part of your membership on this website!
Nikki R. Van HIghtower: That Woman: The Making of a Texas Feminist
Diana Mara Henry Twentieth Century Photographer Special Collection at the Du Bois LIbrary, UMass Amherst. with 2,009 images online
Diana Mara Henry photography website, 2003-2021, including
Stamp Campaign and the 35th Anniversary exhibit and event
Diana Mara Henry’s history with Bella Abzug and the FNWC
Jo Freeman’s website about the First National Women’s conference
Rabbi Leah Novick’s video series about Women Mystics and Saints
Diana Mara Henry invited to speak to Judy Tzu-Chun Wu’s students at University of California, Irvine , on 2/ 24/ 2022 and you can see the interview here. See the Works page Coming Events for more….
Email to schedule a presentation by Diana Mara Henry or to request contact with anyone mentioned on these pages. Thank you!.
Through the Photographer’s Eyes, exhibit in conjunction with UMass Friends of the Library celebration of the accession of Diana Mara Henry’s papers
First National Women’s Conference official photographs by Diana Mara Henry have been shown in solo exhibits including at the Women’s Hall of Fame, the Schlesinger Library, and the
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Email to schedule an exhibit or keynote for International Women’s Day!
Gift ideas
Fine Art Photography by Diana Mara Henry at Saatchi Art
Postcard collections at the Works<Teeshirts, Books and Treats page of this website.
Requests for images on the Gallery page of this website, please email.
Funding -Thank you
The Vermont Arts Council and the Vermont Community Foundation for an Artist Development Grant in support of this website
Ms Foundation for Women for a Building Connections General Support Grant to continue to honor and build on the legacy of the FNWC.
Jeannette Watson Sanger, for her support of the 35th Anniversary Celebration and exhibits in 2012!
And to supporters who donate via Paypal to dmh@dianamarahenry.com
or via the NY Foundation for the Arts, fiscal sponsor for Women on the Move!
See all below at Harvard Hollis Archives:
FOUND IN: Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute / Collection: Photographs of Diana Mara Henry, 1969-1985
Item Identifier: PC 12, X.7:
Social, political and feminist events, 1976, 1977.
15 8x10 photographs of the First National Women's Conference
Item Identifier: PC 12, X.8:
Social, political and feminist events, 1976, 1977.
28 5x7 photographs of the First National
Item Identifier: PC 12, XIV.1:
Women's Conference Conferences, women working, women in politics, feminist events, 1970s, 1980s. First National Women's Conference, Houston, Texas, 1977 -
Item Identifier: PC 12, X.6: