Here are some of the official photographs by Diana Mara Henry of the First National Women’s Conference in Houston, 1977…and the NY State Women’s Meeting preceding it, in Albany, NY.
Also see Women on the Move website documenting the 35th anniversary celebration event and exhibit and the video about it. There are also, for the conference, 152 images of the FNWC including all the contact sheets that are digitized as part of the 2,041 online for the Diana Mara Henry 20th Century Photographer Collection at UMass Amherst’s Du Bois Library. All photographs Copyright © Diana Mara Henry and may not be copied or distributed without permission. Please refer people here for viewing. Some photographs are straight from the contact sheets and not full, retouched scans. I hope you enjoy them anyway. Can you find the two of yours truly? Thank you.
Email for inquiries about sale of prints:
Also see other DMH photographs throughout this website.
Also on Saatchi Art:

Clara McLaughlin and Rinetta

Agnes Dill of the Isleta Laguna tribe

Mary Crisp, Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee

Helvi Sipila the first-ever female Assistant-Secretary-General of the United Nations, speaking at the NY State Women's Meeting plenary

Betty Hamburger, Maryland delegate, Grey Panther

Signer for the deaf watching the closing celebration from the stage

New York delegates celebrating the passage of the Plan of Action

Vinie Burrows performing a monologue she wrote at the Celebrating Women plenary of the NY State Women's Meeting

Delegates in support of the ERA hold up bras with the phrase: We Didn't Burn Them

First Ladies Johnson, Carter and Ford hold up the torch that was run from Seneca Falls to Houston with Congresswoman Abzug for the opening of the First National Women's Conference.

IWY Commissioner First Lady Betty Ford applauding the keynote address by Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

Coretta Scott King, IWY Commissioner

Bus driver for conference delegates

Delegate in wheelchair

Delegate holds up sign with hand-designed and illustrated message: "Keep 'em in the closet."

Delegate with "Politics is My Bag" tote

Delegates wearing anti-ERA "Majority" ribbon crocheting.

Delegate, raising her cane, votes from her wheelchair

Commissioner applauding

Earnest delegate with a hat full of buttons

Learning carpentry skills in the exhibition hall

NY delegate Karen Burstein with her voting plate in her lap

Delegate Freddie Groomes

Young delegate with a lapful of papers, chin in hand

Commissioner serving as a parlementarian

Crocheting "Majority" delegates sit out the celebration of a plank of the Plan of Action

Commissioner Jean O'Leary

GLoria Steinem and Lucy Komisar in discussion of the program with Liz Carpenter foreground right and Commissioner Rita Ellway to her left

Houston policewoman at work at the conference

Delegates stay late in the conference hall to discuss the Rural Women plank.

Linda Johnson Robb

Pro-Era delegate at her needlework

Commissioner Gloria Scott opens the conference with a replica of Susan B. Anthony's gavel from the Women's suffrage convention of 1948 in Seneca Falls, NY

Houston Mayor Fred Hofheinz and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan observing the opening of the conference from adjoining seats onstage.

Bella Abzug, IWY Presiding Officer, delivers The Spirit of Houston, the official report to President Carter in the White House, March, 1978

Delegate Joan Gubbins hols a press conference on the views of those delegates opposed to some of the planks in the National Plan of Action

First Lady Rosalyn Carter holds up her Women on the Move tee-shirt at the White House, March 1978, surrounded by IWY Commissioners

Congresswoman Bella Abzug pledges allegiance to the flag

Bella Abzug and close associate

Presiding Officer of the IWY Commission delivers The Spirit of Houston, the official report on the First National Women's Conference, to Speaker of the House Thomas Phillip "TIp" O'Neill, Jr, March , 1978

Delegates celebrating the passage of the Women, Welfare and Poverty plank of the National Plan of Action

Delegates celebrating the passage of the Sexual Preference plank of the National Plan of Action

Commissioners Lenore Hershey, John Mack Carter and Addie Wyatt palaver at midnight hotel room planning meeting during the conference

Refreshment center and exhibition hall of the Albert Thomas Convention Center during the First National Women's Conference

Sign beyond tree announcing the First National Women's Conference at the Albert Thomas Convention Center

Jean Stapleton at press conference during the FIrst National Women's Conference

Jill Ruckelshaus, First Presiding Officer of the IWY Commission under President Ford, signs the torch runners' scroll held by Peggy Kokernot, right and Pat Kery, center, National Relay Coordinator

Karen De Crow, former president of N.O.W.,at left, still at work during a celebration

Margaret "Midge" Costanza giving a "Lecture from the Top"

Taking pictures at the NASA booth's display: "Picture Yourself as an Astronaut."

Delegate with a brownie camera and flash deciding on her next phtoograph

Phyllis Schlafly and press conference for her "Pro-Family" counter-convention

Photographers came in an out on limited passes to record the action.

Delegation from American Samoa in native dress.

Celebrating the completion of the last mile of the torch relay from Seneca Falls with the arrival at the Albert Thomas Convention Center . Carmen Delgado Votaw, foreground, offers an enthusiastic welcome.

Caroline Bird, historian of the First National Women's Conference, listens to the proceedings on radio.

Many delegates were women of style as well as substance.

Guidance center, booth of Catholic Women at the Exhibition Hall for the conference.

Betty Friedan, author of The Feminist Mystique, at right in the last mile of the torch relay from Seneca Falls to the First National Women's Conference.

Diana Mara Henry signs up for a cause in the exhibition hall.

Official photographer of the First National Women's conference, Diana Mara Henry goes over the schedule, the Haliburton case she borrowed from a photographer friend at her feet.

Kitty Carlisle Hart on stage at the Celebrating Women plenary of the NY State's Women's Meeting.

On the move, left to right: Susan B. Anthony, Bella Abzug, Sylvia Ortiz, Peggy Kokernot and Michelle Cearcy

Two delegates at the Ny State Women's Meeting, supporting the Coalition slate and dyke.

IWY Commissioners Liz Carpenter and Maya Angelou, at right, meeting Sylvia Ortiz, Peggy Kokernot and Michelle Cearcy, who together were to carry the torch's last mile.

Maya Angelou, left, Betty Friedan, in red, Liz Carpenter, center, and Commissioner Sey Chassler

Native American basket weaver at the Art Exhibits area of the NY State Women's Meeting, Empire State Plaza, Albany NY, July 1977

Bella Abzug greetings participants at the Celebrating Women opening plenary of what she called the First NY State Women's Meeting, Albany, July 1977

Taking a delegate's oral history, interviewer and subject share a happy moment.

Parlementarians at work at the outdoor plenary of the NY State Women's meeting

Presenter at the Celebrating Women plenary opening the NY State Women's Meeting

Grand opening of the FIrst National Women's Conference, left to right: Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, Commissioner, LadyBird Johnson, her daughter Linda RObb, Rosalyn Carter, Betty Ford, Congresswoman and Presiding Officer Bella Abzug, Donna De Varona, Suzy Chaffee, Peggy Kokernot, Michelle Cearcy and Sylvia ORtiz

Delegate writing in her journal at Houston

Delegate invoking Robert's Rules.

Older delegate in a pensive moment.